Becky Says...

August 2003

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August 27

Today is the second anniversary of my going back to work at the law firm. I had forgotten the exact date until I was looking for something else in my August 2001 archives and found the entry about that day. And now you know one of the real reasons I keep an online journal: from any computer with Internet access, I can pull up random facts of my life!

Patrick asked a question today, to the members of his notify list, about whether or not we had made big life changes. I wrote him a quick note and said I'd answer the question when I had time. I did just that, this evening.

I love being asked a thought-provoking question. And this one provoked a lot of thought. Much of what I told him is touched on in various and sundry journal entries here, and I won't try linking them. Let's just say that over the course of my life I've made a number of changes that were major (and in some cases high-stress) ones; some turned out really good, some didn't, and in some cases the outcome was neutral.

There are two assumptions you should feel free to make at this point. One, that my answer to Patrick was considerably longer than the above paragraph. Two, that going back to the law firm two years ago is a decision that has turned out to be a really good one.

But then I knew that would be the case.

August 26

I've been thinking today about the people who are in my lap at the moment. The virtual lap, I mean. Right now, there are three of them. Hey---it's virtual; there's plenty of room.

One of those people is someone I haven't met, but he owns a part of my heart that has been his nearly four years now. We have this really odd, wonderful bond. Life is difficult for him at the moment, but he's coping. In terms of moral support, I'm sending many hugs. I'm also sending some giggles, because comic relief is good.

Another of the threesome is one of my chosen siblings. He's so used to being the big brother that he doesn't know how to let me be the big sister (with the other siblings, we tend to swap the "older" role depending on who needs what at the moment). But I'm not letting that stop me from holding onto him. For dear life.

The third is someone I've known a long, long time, who happens to be having an incredibly challenging week. We've shared moral support, sometimes even when we both need it at the same time. Those hugs work both ways, you know.

All three of these people, and several more besides, are real heroes in my life for one reason or another. Mainly, they have met or are meeting challenges that would topple lesser folk. And whether they've meant to or not, they've inspired me to do my own best.

It is my privilege to know them, and my honor to offer them lap room. The space is theirs to occupy as needed. And if others need space, too, well as I said, there's plenty of room.

Text © copyright 2000-2003 Becky