Becky Says...

December 31, 2000

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Old Year, New Year

And here we come to the end of the year. It's been a good year for me in a lot of ways, though with some crashing doses of sadness thrown in.

One thing I promised myself in 1999, way before the year was ending, was that 2000 would be a better year for me. I didn't have a specific plan of action in mind, but I was hell-bent it would not be the pit of depression that 1999 was. If you don't know the details of that year in Beckyland, be grateful that you've been spared.

And 2000 was a much better year. I did some things that have been very good for me---the most public of which has been this venture. Early in the year, I had the opportunity to sell a piece of my crochet work to someone who only knew of it through photographs. That sale encouraged me to go ahead with a plan to do a website for selling crafts and related service---crochet, the Anyday Ornaments, and some heirloom repair work. That has started, and though it hasn't taken off like some of the big dot com sites, its presence is becoming known (Thanks, David).

Friendships have deepened over the year, and a few new ones have begun. I appreciate deeply all the moral support I've received. I have also had the pleasure of getting to know several others who write online. They're all in my links, and their presence has made my life richer.

I've had some good clients this year in my freelance work, and a dud or two. I continue to enjoy the work, and the working environment (aka my apartment).

In terms of plans for the coming year (I told you earlier that I don't make New Year's Resolutions), I'll say that I learned a long time ago to take each day as it came and not to worry too much about the future. Sometimes it's hard to strike a balance there. You do have to think about the future a bit, or it will come along like a steamroller and you'll be the debris in its wake. But if you worry too much, then all you do is worry, and there's no time to see each day for what it is. So my plan for the future is to keep on doing the things that work for me, incorporating new things as they come.

My wish for all of you is all the best in the new millenium, which begins tomorrow!

* * * * * * * * * * *

If you want to see Christmas in Beckyland, click here.

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky