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December 2006

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The Seventh Day - December 31

It's past sundown, and in a few hours not only will the day end, so will the year. On this seventh day of Christmas, I've done some thinking about the year now ending.

This has been for me a year of great change. Some of that change has been painful, and some of the pain has been fear of letting go of the known. I've said a number of times that my acceptable level of change is clean clothes every day (okay, in private I say clean underwear). But this year, I've stretched my own boundary on that, and embraced some pretty heavy change with open arms.

I have spent a lot of time this year asking myself what was really, truly important to me, and what I could quite happily do without. This, by the way, applies both to possessions and ideas. So there has been de-cluttering, both physical and mental. One of the ideas I'm close to discarding (as one I could happily do without) is the notion that change is always bad!

I've made some new friends this year. I've spent time with some old friends this year. I've been through health scares, of mine (the fainting thing back in June) and others (far more serious than me fainting, which if you don't know turned out to be a great big nothing). I'm grateful for the good parts of that.

I have been challenged to think this year, of subjects I haven't pondered in a while. I've been presented with opportunities to do things I had never done before.

And those things are graces in my life.

Come to think of it, this has been a year which, while challenging in ways, has been filled with grace.

Here's hoping for all of us that the last few hours of 2006 are peaceful and good, and that 2007 will be an excellent year.

Text © copyright 2000-2006 Becky
