Becky Says...

January 23, 2001

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Amusing Tidbits

The most amusing thing I can think of is that the "pantyhose" piece continues to get hits. Please bear in mind that I don't do separate meta tags or keywords for each entry. I do hope people aren't too disappointed when they get to it.

I have kidded around before about starting a porn site, but I didn't plan to start one by acident! However, seeing the response to that entry shows me a little of the traffic potential.

And it would be amusing to answer, "I'm the webmistress of a porn site," when asked what I do for a living.

Thinking of that question reminds me that I was asked my profession a few years ago at a family reunion. The distant cousin who asked me had a reputation in the family for being a snob, and she really proved it. When I said that I was doing secretarial work for Non-Profit Agency #1, I swear to you she took two steps back, as though I were unclean. It wasn't the Agency that shocked her; it was the "secretarial."

I don't have much room in me for snobs. But that, rather than triggering my anti-snob feelings, struck me funny!

I would love to see her response to news of a porn site.....

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky