Becky Says...

December 2007

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Pledge Break - December 10

One of the best things about today is that the dratted begathon known as Winterfest is over. It ended last night, which means no more of those truly obnoxious interruptions in programming, and I mean both pledge breaks and schedule foul-ups.

Some year I hope someone rich enough to make a serious difference to the UNC network complains about the begging during children's programs. I have griped about it before, but I truly think it's unconscionable this year.

They've gone to three levels of membership in the club run for children, and I wonder how many parents couldn't afford the good level, especially on top of trying to get holiday gifts. Or trivialities like mortgage payments and groceries.

I swear, I'd rather see real, honest commercials than these thinly-veiled guilt trips that the public broadcasting folk drag out.

I would also like to see a cost breakdown of what they're spending to have all the extra channels that come with HDTV. I can't imagine the cost for all the multiple showings of things, not to forget the extra shows. Why yes, I can spell royalty.

Anyway, as I said, the dratted thing ended yesterday, so all the shows, daytime and otherwise, were on when they should have been.

And I can stop griping about it until the next begathon, sometime in late winter.

Text © copyright 2000-2007 Becky
