Becky Says...

June 2018

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Eighteen! - June 24

It's the journal's 18th birthday! I'm not going to apologize for the lack of updates since November. I will give you an update of some of what I've been up to, though.

In late January, after a cold night there was black ice on our front porch. Which I slipped on, and hurt my knee. It was soft-tissue damage, quite painful, and left me wandering through the world with a cane, which I still keep handy. In fact, I bought myself a folding model for those days when I'm not quite sure whether or not I need the support.

The knee I landed on was my "better" knee...the one that I did not break as a child. So for a while, my original bad knee had to do more than its share of the work. That set it off, which definitely feeds into the need for the cane being handy.

My housemate-across-the-hall moved out the first of May. She has had a lot of health problems, and was unable to deal with the stairs any longer. So she's now across town at a place where there are elevators, and seems to be doing very well. I had lunch with her a couple of weeks ago.

Our house does have some new people. It's working well, so far.

I have been doing some thinking about what I will do with my time when I fully retire. It will definitely include music. No, that's not an announcement of anything, just acknowledging my preference for getting my ducks in a row. And no, I'm not asking for suggestions.

No promises, but I hope to do more frequent writing. I still care very much about this journal, and appreciate all of you for reading.

Text © copyright 2000-2018 Becky