Becky Says...

July 2014

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July 30

July began on an excellent note. Some backstory: on May 21 I lost a pendant when the chain it was on got caught on a box edge. This was in a storeroom at Job 2.

I did what I could to search for it, including going through a box where it might have landed. No luck. I finally had to go home, but I left a note for the sexton, in hope she might find it.

Over the ensuing weeks, I looked several more times, when I had a chance. But I was almost sure the pendant was gone. I hated that, because the pendant had been a gift from my mother, who bought it for me back in the 1980s.

On July 3, the pendant, along with the note I had left for the sexton, were on my desk.

Yes, I made sure she was properly thanked!

July has, in large part, been a very noisy month at both Job 1 and Job 2. Job 1 is in the midst of a construction project. Today's work for the crew was roofing on the new part. To get there, they made several trips across the relatively flat roof over my office. It was a lot like having upstairs neighbors again...I haven't had any of those since 2011.

Job 2 hosts another agency's day camp during the summer. The campers are loud; the older kids louder than the young ones. I've spent much of my time chasing them away from areas of the building where they're not supposed to congregate. We finally got in touch with the agency head, when asking the camp staffers was clearly not getting the job done. Apparently, this has done the was so quiet in the building on Tuesday that I could hear myself think, even with the office door open.

I've also had chances this month to have a little fun with some long-time friends, and of course have done the mundane things, like errands and chores.

As the month draws to an end, I'm well and content.

Text © copyright 2000-2014 Becky