Becky Says...

June 2009

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Second Chances - June 7

Those of you who know me or who have been reading a long, long time probably know I'm a believer in second chances (and sometimes third, etc.) in almost all cases. This is something that has long been true for me, and has served me well.

It served me very well on Saturday. I went grocery shopping, and decided to use the taxi company I normally use for the trip home. Yes, this is the company from the trip in April that had so many complications. I decided to call them because with rare exceptions I have had excellent service from that company over the years, and decided they needed another chance.

Now I may be nice but at the same time I'm not stupid. This time, I told myself ahead of time that I would under no circumstances go outside to wait. I also made careful note of the time I placed the call, and planned to call back if a taxi hadn't shown up in twenty minutes. And those two things decided, I settled in to wait the "few minutes" the dispatcher had said it would take.

I only looked out the store window two times. The taxi was pulling in the second time. I got my things and we were on our way.

I'm not sure exactly how much time elapsed between my call and the taxi's arrival at the store, but I am sure I was home within ten minutes of making the call.

I'd say that definitely paid off for all concerned.

Text © copyright 2000-2009 Becky