Becky Says...

December 2008

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Clothes - December 6

It's the sort of not-yet-officially winter here in which we're having very cold days followed by days that are better described as spring. Similar things happen at other times of the year. One thing I've long known about living in the Chapel Hill area is to keep at least a few pieces of out-of-season clothing handy and ready to go.

And of course, this time of year on a warm day it might be that you're outside in your lighter-than-winter clothes. You might have a glimpse of people walking down the sidewalk wearing things warmer than yours.

At those moments, you wonder if the people left home early in the day, when it was colder, and are wearing their coats to save carrying them. Or maybe the people are cold for some reason. Maybe a combination of the two things.

And as the folks in the warmer clothes look at you, they might wonder a few things, too. They might think you left your coat somewhere and will regret that the next cold morning. They might think you're just doing your own thing, marching to your own clothing drummer.

In any case and on either side of the wondering, I hope all my local folks have enough clothes to wear.

Text © copyright 2000-2008 Becky
