Becky Says...

July 2008

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Chatting - July 13

Saturday morning I was on the bus to go shopping and ran into someone I recognized from the same route. I see her fairly often, but she's usually been with her daughter, and the two of them are usually deep in conversation when they get to the stop, so I don't usually do more than exchange greetings.

They don't know my name, nor I theirs. That's sort of a bus-riding custom around here. If people meet in some space other than bus-related, names may get exchanged. But in the context of riding, we just know each other by faces and usual stops.

Anyway, my fellow passenger was riding daughterless yesterday, and as it happens we were heading the same places. So when we got off the bus we talked, about all sorts of things, including family and illness (her mom has been ill, and her daughter is helping out with that), and how we were both affected by the heat, so were seeking shade to wait for the next buses.

When we got to our destination, I headed into one store while my companion and a third person who joined us along the way went on to another. I'm glad I hit that store when I did, because I got a chance to chat for a couple of minutes with my friend who works there. It was good to get to do that...usually when I'm there the store is too busy for us to get more than "hello" exchanged.

So I went to my second store, then headed back to the bus stop. I again found my riding companion, and we chatted more on our way home. A couple of other people joined in for a sentence or two, which was fun.

It was a really nice day.

Text © copyright 2000-2008 Becky