Becky Says...

January 2008

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Quiet Sunday - January 27

This has been a really quiet day. I've been inside, and have been sleeping for much of it. I apparently needed the sleep.

I did manage to stay awake to see "The Russell Girl." I liked it, but thought it could have moved a bit faster. As is often the case with such dramas, it took them the better part of the first hour to reveal the secret from the past.

And as usual, I hadn't seen that one coming. And there you have all I'll say on the subject, for non-spoiler purposes.

Other than that, I've not done much tv watching. I've done plenty of tv dozing, though---where you wake up just enough to start paying attention, then there's a commercial, and well, you can see where that goes.

And now I should spend some time catching up with the things I didn't do because I was asleep.

Or maybe I should take a nap?

Text � copyright 2000-2008 Becky