Becky Says...

January 2007

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Calm - January 28

I spent some of today working on the Rebeccaworks site, updating some links and moving some things to different pages.

The first of the pages brought me to the very edge of my sanity, because my ftp client and my browser didn't want to play nice with each other.

It got sorted out, and I got on with what I was doing, but not before I had gone through every curseword in my vocabulary, including a few I didn't remember I knew.

When I got through with that, I realized it had been a very long time since I had let loose with my temper.

And no, it didn't feel particularly good. It actually felt draining.

I was glad the work got finished.

Once it was, I did some housework and worked some more on my latest crochet project, which is going well and is rather calming.

I definitely prefer calm.

Text � copyright 2000-2007 Becky