Becky Says...

April 2006

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Three Words - April 25

The three words that define today are friends, freelance, and fuckwit.

Friends get top billing because I have some really wonderful friends. Several have been in touch today, and it's been great.

The second two of those three words are a pair. A person placed an ad for proofreading/copy editing of a website. So I wrote to offer my services, including a link to my site and making sure to mention the minimum charge for what he wanted.

He replied with a page link, and in his note asked me to take a look at that page and tell him what he should do. So, very carefully and very politely, I did just that. Sent him an invoice, too.

He wrote back to say he must not have stated what he wanted, and couldn't use the work I had sent. I offered to redo, but he replied to say he would do the work and concluded by saying that we should talk sometime.

It was at that point I decided he was a fuckwit, and that I would be a bigger one if I were to keep attempting to do business with him.

So I wished him well and told him he owed me nothing since he wasn't going to use my work, because I didn't have the energy to get nasty about it. I did steer very clear of asking him to ever use my services again.

Why yes, I do expect to see my apparently free work on his site, because it was good stuff if I do say so myself. That's why I almost always ask for at least part of the money upfront on projects, at least from first-time customers.

And based on what he's selling and what I sell, I do expect to be asked, eventually, to link to his site.

Can you say, "Cold day in Hell?"

* * * * * * * * * * *

Back to speaking of friends, a while back one of mine suggested that I use this website to advertise my freelance endeavors. He had an excellent point. I've added the fund-raising ones, too.

What I can do for you:
Business Services, featuring website backups
Handcrafts, featuring Repairs to Heirlooms and Custom Crochet

What you can do for me:
Hire me
Donations and other help are always welcome, too.

Text © copyright 2000-2006 Becky