Becky Says...

March 2006

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Safely Placed - March 31

There was a moment today when I was afraid I was going to have to stop what I was doing and really houseclean. I had forgotten which safe place I had chosen for the storage of a package of CD-Rs, and I needed one.

I thought the package was somewhere on my desk. But so was a lot of clean laundry. So task one was to put that where it belonged. Unfortunately, getting those things off the desk only unearthed the desk itself...the CD-Rs were nowhere to be found.

Now it isn't a real tragedy to misplace something fairly easy to replace, so I amended my afternoon plans to include a shopping excursion.

I checked e-mail, and on a whim posted a note online about my frustration, then decided the next thing on my agenda was to have lunch.

I walked past the desk twice again, then on a third pass I saw where on the shelves just above the desk I had stored the package. It was hiding in plain sight, because there was nothing on the front edge (think book spine) of the package to show what was in it, and that was the part of the package most easily seen.

I sat down to burn the CD, and decided to post an update to my prior post. I saw there was a reply to me, with a wish for good luck. I told the woman who had made that reply that her good luck vibe had worked, either by making the package show itself or making my eyes work better, and that either way was fine for me.

That taken care of, I went back to Plan A for the rest of my day. And oh yeah---I put a label on the facing edge of that package of CD-Rs before I put them back on the shelf.

Text © copyright 2000-2006 Becky