Becky Says...

February 2006

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Bits of the Day - February 7

A household-and-clothing hint: if you have managed to shake the catsup just hard enough to get some on the counter, check your clothes, too. So you won't look down at your shirt a good while after your meal and wonder if you've hurt yourself.

Then say thank-you to the catsup for the boo boo happening at supper, so you don't have to change your shirt before going out after lunch. Or worse yet, so you don't look down at your shirt while you're out in public after lunch...

Speaking of lunch, as I was eating mine today I was checking e-mail, and got proof that the spammers do not read my journal. I wrote the other day that I had lost the last few pounds I had wanted to lose. In the inbox, though, were offers for really good deals on plus-sized clothes. Nice offer, but several years late.

After lunch was another job-hunting foray, then I came home to the absolute best part of the day---a call from my best friend, Donna.

We talked about everything under the sun, just like we usually do. We got caught up on recent events in our lives, and had a chance to be silly. We have jokes that go back forever, but since we don't talk every day, the jokes are fresh enough to keep us amused.

And tonight has been filled with crocheting. All in all, a good day, even with the stray catsup.

Text � copyright 2000-2006 Becky