Becky Says...

May 2005

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Of Twits and Newbies - May 10

In addition to the two statistics counters that have their little graphics down at the bottom of these entry pages, I also have access to raw data (raw meaning that which I have to make sense of myself; it doesn't have the handy words like "referrer") for the domain site. Everything that's hosted on the domain is reported on in those logs, including the "Becky Says" graphic up at the top of this page.

I haven't been checking the raw logs every day, because usually I can find out what I want to know from the other statistics. But sometimes I do download them, to make sure I'm not going over my bandwidth allowance, and just to see what shows up there.

Last night, I found two twits in the raw data. Seems these two people had gone to my favorite search engine and used its image search function to find pictures they could use for their own purposes. Both chose pictures from the celebration pages, and both decided I could continue to host the pictures for them.

Umm, nope. At first I was pissed enough that I made a substitute graphic, which said, "I am a bandwidth-stealing fuckwit!" But then I thought I'd accomplish the same thing by renaming the pictures for my own purpose (the celebration pages), which also effectively let it be known that the two twits were caught, since the names of the images they had linked to no longer existed. And yes, I enjoyed going back to check and seeing two nice blank rectangles.

I saved the graphic I made, just in case I ever need it.

And now to the newbies. Yesterday's adventure in bus riding turned out to have a slightly different cause than I had thought. All the drivers in the system have been switched from the routes they were driving to different ones.

This is a good thing in that it keeps them familiar with all the routes. It is, however, slightly confusing on Change Day, which was yesterday. The bus that I thought had come early was, in fact, quite late. It was the one I wound up taking. I noticed that another bus was close behind the one I was riding. Turns out the second bus was the one which was supposed to be on that route at that time.

I don't know if the driver of the first, very late, bus had mistaken a break time, or had a problem with the bus, or exactly what the deal was. But the same driver as yesterday was on the bus today, and it was where it was supposed to be when it was supposed to be there. Normal service, in other words.

And today, normal service was a very good thing.

Text © copyright 2000-2005 Becky