Becky Says...

January 2005

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Tenths - January 13

I had one of those insanity-provoking work projects Wednesday afternoon. The attorney who asked me to make the copies said, "I know this is a terrible thing to ask someone else to do, but I really need a copy of this client's inch-think stack of paperwork." So I waited till the office was mostly quiet, when I wouldn't have to get my stacks of copies and originals out of the way of anyone else needing the copier, and I set in on it.

First tenth of an inch went pretty well. The pages were happy to go, in proper order, through the automatic feeder of the machine. The copies came out all pretty and crisp, and soon the originals were happily plopped in their tray.

Then came the second tenth. Those papers wanted to be stubborn, and made that plain about two sheets into the stack. I thought it might be a fluke, so I started the stack again. Same result. The originals wanted to stick together. After all, they'd been together, some of them, since 2001. I recognized their reluctance to travel independently.

I decided to let the paper win. I knew it would take less time and much less frustration to separate the sheets and send them one at a time through the feeder than to try fanning them and crossing my fingers. So I started from the bottom of the stack, and all was well. All the pieces of paper were soon copied, and reunited with their fellow sheets.

Since that had worked so well, I decided that would be the way to go with the subsequent tenths, too. It added a few minutes to the task, but I wound up with all the work done and my sanity intact.

And both of those things made for a good ending point to the day.

Text © copyright 2000-2005 Becky