Becky Says...

January 2005

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January 1

Last night we said farewell to 2004. It was a year for me of intense personal growth, for which I am grateful, even though some of it has been hell.

A lot of the growth has been a direct result of participating in a journey, which continues. My companion on the journey has been a source of love and strength and support for me in ways I never imagined. I have tried my best to respond in kind.

There was a major depressive time, one of the worst I have ever been through. And there have been a couple of less-bad ones, too.

But there has been much joy. There has been the joy of seeing friends do things to make their lives better. There has been the joy of having a job I love. There has been the joy of good friendships growing stronger (like the one with my journey companion).

Last, but certainly not least, there has been the recent joy of not being depressed at Christmas.

I begin this year a stronger person. I am surer of myself than I have been in a while. I am looking forward to the adventure that I am positive 2005 will be.

Thanks to you who have been with me during 2004. I appreciate your collective support and encouragement, and have delighted in hearing your stories when you chose to share them. And I appreciate that you are here this day.

Happy New Year!


I am delighted to be participating again in Holidailies. In addition to those participating in the portal, there are writers who are doing "Holidailies at Home." A list of those participants, as well as other information about Holidailies, is available through the link.

Text � copyright 2000-2005 Becky