Becky Says...

June 2003

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June 6

There are days when my job has the potential to be fattening. Today was one such day. Wendy let me know before I left for work that we were going to have office lunch at a local restaurant, and offered to order my usual, since they'd probably get there before I did (the office is closer).

I arrived moments after the order had been placed, and had a really nice time with the people at the table. Five of us were there, and we had lot of chatting and catching up to do. We managed to do some serious eating in the middle of the chatter.

After lunch we got back to whatever work we needed to do. When the workday ended, one of the associates needed a ride to pick up her car, and I was happy to provide it. But on the way home from there, temptation in the form of my favorite fast-food place struck. It was only half a block out of my way, and I had been wanting a hamburger, so...

Under the circumstances, I'll blame that meal's calories on the law firm.

June 5

Bits and pieces tonight.

That major source of stress in my life (upon which I've commented a few times, including here) may be on its way away from me. I am trying not to get my hopes up too far, but let's just say I'm picking the music for the happy dance.

I'm in the middle of making a business-related decision tonight. The decision is one that will cost me a bit of up-front money, but in the long run it could more than make back the investment. Wish me luck. Oh---for those who may not recall this: I have a freelance business on top of the job at the law firm. And the decision has to do with the freelance stuff.

I finally had to break down and go to a totally different grocery store chain today. On my last visit to the remodeling-in-progress stores closest to home and work, I couldn't find several items. Yes, I know I could have asked, but all the clerks looked as confused as I felt, and I had had enough of the confusion for one day. My tolerance for confusion never has been really high, by the way. Yes, thanks, I did find what I needed today.

My day at the law firm ended with Wendy and me discussing our experiences with probability theory, stoplights, learning styles, and transposition in music. Yes, it was related to work. Zoe, wise dog that she is, slept through the whole conversation.

Text © copyright 2000-2003 Becky