Becky Says...

September 2002

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September 17

The linking idiots have been at it again, to such an extent that I nearly wrote them a flamingly angry letter this evening, about the mean-spiritedness of the posts I had read. Turned out, though, that after the first batch of mean posts, there were a gracious plenty commenting on the need for patience and kindness and dealing with things without such harshness, since this is, after all, a voluntary thing for all involved.

Let's hope those messages do the trick. Otherwise, I may get all sorts of eloquent on them on my way out. I don't have time in my life or room in my soul for that sort of mean-spirited whining.

At least the sanctimonious one wasn't the ringleader in the whining this time. And I did do one nice thing for myself regarding this group: I set it up so that I read those posts from the website, thus not having the ones I find objectionable in my mailbox. It's saving my poor delete key from having to do so much work.

That reminds me of something amusing: yesterday a ladybug decided that my keyboard at work was an excellent new residence. I disagreed.

I won.

Text � copyright 2000-2002 Becky