Becky Says...

August 2002

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August 14

Those of us who consider The Usual Suspects message board to be a home away from home have been without our retreat this week. The board's host had a server failure, and it's still a lilttle hazy when the real board will be back up and running. But if you follow that link, you'll find out where the suspects are meeting in the interim, and find a link to a webring of many of the writers who keep each other company there.

For those of you who are fans of my buddy Dee's "Coffee Bean Goddess," I've heard from her today and she's making plans to relocate. The "neighborhood" over at john doe exists no more.

If you'd like to know when she gets reestablished, I'll give you two choices of how to find out. Either keep looking here for updates, or use my contact form to send me your e-mail address, which I'll pass along to Dee so she can let you know. Just put in the message that it's for Dee.

I know people love her writing---I've had several hits today from people looking for her and getting my links page. I'm going to edit that page to make the above offer available

And that brings me to the next item of business. It finally dawned on me that it might be nice if I had some way of letting people know if something ever caused my site to move or be offline for a brief time. I do not want a notify list which is used to let you know I've done new entries, and won't start one. But, if you'd like to know what's up in the event of a major change, I'll be happy to tell you. Just use the contact form to send your e-mail address, this time telling me it's for Becky's list.

Please don't take it for granted that I already have your address and will add you to the list...that won't happen. And of course, I won't sell your addresses to the spammers.

Text � copyright 2000-2002 Becky