Becky Says...

December 2001

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December 15

The day was different than I had expected it to be. I went out to run errands, and ran into a former coworker from Non-Profit Agency #2. That was a treat, since she was one of my favorite people there. She retired a few years after I left to take care of Mother, and we haven't seen each other very much in the last few years. We made tentative plans to get together in the new year, and if she doesn't call me, I'm going to call her. Life is too short to lose track of friends.

Which brings up the really unexpected part of the day...something that didn't happen. A friend was going to be in Chapel Hill for a state football championship game, and was supposed to call me. Although we've been pretty good about keeping in touch since she moved away, we haven't seen each other in a number of years. She had called yesterday while I was at work, and left a message to let me know what time she thought she would be calling, after the game. I'm not sure why she went to the game; I suspect she's friends of the parents of a player, since she doesn't have children and is not otherwise known for football fandom. Anyway, I made sure I was home well before the game was over, and waited for her call, which for whatever reason didn't come.

Since specific plans weren't made (as in, I wasn't expecting her to show up here, and she hadn't suggested we go to dinner), it really didn't disrupt my day that much, but I do wonder whether she didn't come to the game, or what did happen. I'm sure we'll be in touch sometime in the not-too-distant future, and I'll ask then.

Since I had some spare time, I finished the holiday letter I mentioned. You may already know most of its content, but if you want to see what I'm telling my friends and family, go here

Now, I'm going to bed. I need to get plenty of rest in case Sunday turns out to be different that I think it will.

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky