Becky Says...

October 9, 2001

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Today when I got home from work, I really needed the pliers. In one of the great maintenance capers, I wound up with a mailbox lock that is challenging on a good day, and it's just easier to use the pliers to make the key work in the lock.

Since we had no mail delivery on Monday, and other plier-requiring things hadn't taken place, I thought they were safely in their usual place. But they weren't.

Then I remembered that I had taken then with me when the car was ailing on Sunday. No, I didn't think I could repair the car with no knowledge but with a good pair of pliers. I took them because sometimes the hood latch is challenging, and I wanted to be prepared.

After remembering that use, I went looking through my purse, to see if I had left them there. I hadn't. I then thought they were in the car (which is waiting for her fix, but that's another entry). So I went looking there. No pliers. I was beginning to wonder if I had accidentally left them in the front seat of the tow truck. I was going to call the towing company tomorrow, since retrieving the pliers from their office would be fairly easy and infinitely cheaper than buying a new pair.

But before calling them, I wanted to do a little search through the debris on my kitchen counter. Most of the stray pieces of paper in North Carolina are on that counter, though I'm not sure why. I think the recycling people have added my apartment as a repository stop.

I am happy to report that I only had to move one ton of paper before I found the pliers. They were resting under a stack of deposit envelopes from my bank, which is interesting since what I hope has shown up in the mail is a check. The check will then go into a deposit envelope---you get the picture.

I found the pliers too late tonight to go wandering out to the mailbox. But I have put them where they belong, so I can go check first thing tomorrow.

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky