Becky Says...

August 13, 2001

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The Great Refrigerator Move of 1998

The Great Refrigerator Move of 1998 is still plaguing me. The management got a chance to convert all the refrigerators in the 295 apartments at one time, so they took it. The older ones were beginning to wear out, and the newer ones are actually much better in terms of energy efficiency---not to mention being frost-free, which is nice.

Their chance happened on the Monday and Tuesday following the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in late November, thus effectively making people change any lazy-time Sunday plans. And making for some truly strange rearranging. We didn't just have to clean things out of and off of the refrigerators. We had to secure our other possessions so that those moving refrigerators in and out would have space. And some of my stuff is still not quite back where it belongs.

All the furniture that had to be moved is long since back in place. It's the little things that are still in substitute quarters. A small serving tray, for instance, that used to live on the coffee table is still hiding in a file cabinet drawer (no, I did not file it under "T" for tray). I ran across it the other day, and decided it could just stay there till I had finished cleaning some other stuff in the living room. It will resurface eventually.

And here's a household hint for you: if you ever need to store all your refrigerator magnets, either attach them to a baking pan or use a metal box. I went the box route---I had a candy tin that was not only handy for storing the magnets themselves, but also served as storage for the things the magnets had been holding.

The trick is trying to put the magnets and their held objects back. I still have a few magnets waiting patiently in the box. And I never think to look for them when I need to put something up----I just make the current magnets do double-duty. Good thing I don't need the candy tin for anything else.

And at least I remembered I had stored the plastic ice trays in the oven, along with several other things that are not generally thought of as oven-proof, in plenty of time to remove them and not make that mess!

Why, yes, I am still in housecleaning mode!

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky