Becky Says...

March 25, 2001

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Sunday Bits

I'm still doing the allergy eyelid thing. It's better, but definitely still swollen and red. I noticed the clerk trying not to stare at me in the grocery store this afternoon, after I had responded to her greeting ("How are you?") by saying I was fine. I may have won the liar of the day prize from her, but she was polite about it!

Things I've learned about the new computer include the fact that no matter how many times you hit the shift key, it won't give you a carriage return. The shift key on this keyboard is where my hand remembers the enter key being on others.

I need to get some more housework done. Should anyone happen to be planning to come this direction on a trip east, it would be nice if we could both sit in the same room. Cuts down on all the shouting.

Something I read while avoiding the aforementioned housework this evening: apparently this is an example of dealing with the sins of the father. Can you believe someone didn't already fix this law so that sort of thing doesn't happen?

I'm not sure why (business or pleasure) one of my friends is in the Pacific Northwest this week, but I got e-mail today commenting on how much she's enjoying being there. I think this may have been a followup to e-mail I didn't get.

That happened with another friend a couple of years ago, and wound up being a little weird. I got e-mail on a July day saying something to the effect that his plans had changed and he wouldn't be coming to town on a specific day after all. I could tell from the note that he truly thought I knew what he was talking about, but I didn't have a clue. We did get in touch, and sorted out that an e-mail had gone astray.

Where the weird part comes is that three months later I got e-mail from him outlining plans for a visit, saying he would arrive on "the 18th," which was not a day I was free. So I replied and said basically that, and offered some alternate plans. His response to that was to write and ask what in the world I was talking about. I forwarded to him the e-mail I had received from him. Yes, you're right if you've guessed that was the note I should have received in July. But it did have the October date on it.

We still don't know where that note went for three months.

That's it for the evening. Have a good Monday!

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky