Becky Says...

March 24, 2001

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Allergy Day

I've developed a new allergy this year, or a new symptom to go with an old allergy; not sure which. But I am sure that whatever it is that I'm allergic to is airborne.

We had a lovely spring day here, and I decided the best thing I could do for myself was open the windows and air out the apartment. Nice idea, but I'm paying for it tonight. Not only is my head stuffy, my right eyelid looks as though I've been on the wrong end of someone's fist. It's red and swollen, but it doesn't itch. It has happened a couple of other times since the first of the year, and a dose or so of antihistamine will have me looking more normal soon.

Allergies are weird things sometimes!

One of the more bizarre allergic reactions I ever had was to an antibiotic I was on after having two wisdom teeth extracted. That allergy left me with half my face red and swollen, in a way that made it look as though I were having mumps. But I had already had that, earlier in life.

And then there's the allergy to lanolin (and to wool), that makes my hands break out if I accidentally use lanolin-based lotion on them. That one usually only seriously affects one hand, and is made much worse by any stress. A friend and I refer to it as stress crud. I haven't had that one in several years, and will not mind if it never comes again.

Have any allergy tales you'd like to share?

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky