Becky Says...

February 11, 2001

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It's Sunday night, and we're getting ready for bad weather. There's ice of one variety or another in the forecast for tomorrow; either sleet or freezing rain (depending on when the temperature drops, etc.) should be here by morning. I hope the power doesn't go out, but I'm prepared if it does.

I went to get groceries today, not in preparation for the storm, but because I got busy and didn't do my regular trip yesterday. I was a little surprised that there weren't more people in the store than there were. I guess either the throngs showed up yesterday, or they don't believe the forecast. Whatever the reason, I was in and out in short order. I didn't buy anything special, or stock up on anything, because I knew what I already had here, and the ice is supposed to be gone in a day or so.

It's been a bit odd to listen to the forecast. For some reason, every time the meteorologist mentioned how cold it was going to get, I started wanting to cover up. Power of suggestion, no doubt.

Once again I am reminded of how nice it is to be able to work from home, especially on days when the State Highway Patrol is asking people to stay off the roads.

Hope you've had pleasant weekends, and that the week ahead will be a good one.

* * * * * * * * * * *

In case you haven't heard, Sandy is changing her Internet service, and is ending her current journal, Dirt Road Ramblin'. She invites all to sign up for the notify list, and to continue to post messages on the message board. She plans to start a new journal in the near future.

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky