Becky Says...

January 19, 2001

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There are debates going on at several message boards this week about whether or not decent grammar is important, and what decent grammar is, anyway, and who has the right to decide, and so forth and so on. I have stayed out of the board discussions, since enough people were already agreeing with the notion that good grammar was a good thing.

And I do feel that good grammar is important. Grammar strikes me as being a lot like etiquette---something you do, at least in part, to make other people feel comfortable and welcome.

For some excellent comments on grammar and related items, go check what Saundra has to say in her entry on the subject. As usual, her comments are articulate, reasoned, and are presented in grammatically correct English.

No, I don't sit around proofreading personal sites. But I do notice which writers try to follow the rules. And their efforts are appreciated.

Their following the rules makes me feel welcome to read what they've written. And that helps make me want to come back for more.

Text � copyright 2000-2001 Becky