Becky Says...

November 6, 2000

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It's been a long time since I've needed the basics of sex education, but it never ceases to amaze me how much misinformation is out there. Do yourselves a favor, and make sure you know the facts.

Saundra got fed up with misinformation the other day, and wrote a wonderful entry, with correct information. I think it's one of the best I've ever seen. If you know someone else who needs the information, please make sure they see it. I liked this so much because she didn't preach.

Making mistakes can have some serious consequences, the most serious of which, of course, is death. Oh--for anyone who wants to argue with me about the death comment: don't think that because you don't hear as much about people dying from AIDS that the disease has been halted. It hasn't. The wonder drugs don't work for everyone.

And if you think it's only a disease gay people get, think again.

Also, even if AIDS never happened, there are still pretty heavy-duty things to think about. So make sure you know the truth.

And if you've gone to a health care provider who was more interested in preaching than answering questions, find another one to ask, please.

I've written before that I think sexuality is a gift. Remember to use it with care.

Text � copyright 2000 Becky