Becky Says...

August 2008

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Several Things - August 15

I know there are some Episcopalians among my readers, so I wanted to share the link below, to a blog post by David Crabtree of WRAL, a television station in our local market. David is also a vocational deacon in The Episcopal Church. He took some time this summer to go to Canterbury, to witness some of the recently concluded Lambeth Conference.

While on his trip, David had a chance to interview The Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, Bishop of Vermont. The interview, which is here, made me weep.

The non-reading of Episcopalian things part of my day included shopping and a couple of fun moments. The first of those was on the bus, when a driver I knew was making the comment that she really didn't want to leave to start the route. She looked at me and said, "Do you really want to go?" (I was not the only passenger, by the way.)

I said, "No, but if I don't go shopping I'll be out of coffee." She allowed as to how that was an excellent reason to get me downtown to my connecting bus.

The second has its background in something that happened yesterday. I had decided to run my errands in two segments this week, so I went downtown. I was at Sutton's Drugstore to get a soft drink and a magazine, and found myself in the middle of a group of police officers, who had been called to the store to deal with a suspected shoplifter. I felt very safe! I also felt very welcome, because the store manager stopped what he was doing to give me a hug.

So today I was doing the grocery-shopping portion, over at the shopping center near my apartment. I walked into a store in the center where a friend of mine works, and she greeted me, then looked at a security guard I've never met before and asked him to keep an eye on me, because I was trouble.

I was speechless, because I didn't see her wink or hear him laugh. But she did and he did, and then he went on to do whatever he needed to do. My friend and I talked about my experience yesterday, and about everything else under the sun, until another customer needed some help.

After that, I got the things on my list and came home. I managed to be inside well before the rainstorm hit, which was good.

The day also included a wonderful chat with my best friend, some of which will be in another entry.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Last, but certainly not least, Doug, who has been battling cancer for some time now, is not doing well. The entry at the link will tell you more. He and his family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Text © copyright 2000-2008 Becky