Becky Says...

November 2007

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Randomness - November 29

--In learning to use the new camera, I've taken and deleted quite a few pictures, including some shots of the rooms in my apartment in various light conditions. It's been really interesting to look at them. It's like being a guest in my own home.

--I was watching a hairdo makeover segment on a television show, and on seeing a before-and-after shot of one of the recipients, I was struck with the thought that she looked better in the before shot. I'm happy she was pleased with the outcome, though.

--Holidailies starts December 1. I'm participating, and have already started thinking of entry ideas. It will be good to get back to doing daily entries.

--This has been a fairly busy week, for some reaon.

--My knees and ankles like it better when I don't go barefooted all day long. Wearing shoes is, therefore, a no-brainer.

--And that's it, for one random collection.

Text � copyright 2000-2007 Becky