Becky Says...

January 2007

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The Ninth Day - January 2

On the ninth day of Christmas I was reminded that sometimes you get to say thank you for small blessings.

This morning was one such time. I was watching the coverage of President Ford's funeral when the power went out in my section of the apartment complex. As it happened, I had gotten tired of the television commentators slightly before the service started, so I had the streaming audio from the National Cathedral started already.

I just took it off mute and proceeded to hear the rest of the service courtesy of my laptop's battery, and follow the order in the service leaflet, which is available here if you'd like to see it. (For more information about the service, including the audio, go here.)

The power went out shortly before 11:00 a.m., and stayed out until a little after 3:00 this afternoon. It wasn't too bad, especially since I had need to be out and about, anyway. I came in from my last errand (which was a brief shopping trip to make sure I had food that didn't have to be cooked, just in case) to find that power had been restored a few minutes before my return. I was definitely glad it was back.

It turns out another power failure is behind the ongoing troubles with the mail for beckysays domain. I got a message this morning from the hosting company, telling me they don't know what happened, exactly, but work is being done to fix it. The main server was fried in a power failure, then the automatic backup didn't take over. Apparently some mail has been permanently lost, and the company isn't sure when full service will be restored.

So if you're used to writing to me at some address at, please don't do that till further notice. Instead, use the e-mail link over in the sidebar.

I'm not sure what I plan to do about this, in terms of my site. The company came highly recommended back in 2001, and for a while things were excellent. But there have been some problems, off and on, more with e-mail than with the site, but even a few with that.

But I stayed, for loyalty and laziness combined. And I may well stay on now. I have a certain amount of concern for the owner (the widow of the prior owner) in this. I suspect she's going to lose quite a few customers whose e-business interests are being affected. For me, this has been a mere nuisance.

It seems to me that if I were to take my site elsewhere would be a spiteful thing.

And I don't have it in me to be spiteful. That would be a slap not only to the hosting company, which has done a good job most of the time, but also a slap to those who have supported me, especially in the last year. And it would be going against my own nature.

I think we now know that I will be staying.

Text © copyright 2000-2007 Becky