Becky Says...

December 2006

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The Third Day - December 27

On the third day of Christmas I learned of the death of a former President, and that of a man from home who was around my age.

I remember the Ford presidency. I remember the pardon of Richard Nixon. And I remember a few years ago when former President Ford was interviewed and the question came up. President Ford noted that one must remember something about pardons, presidential or otherwise. A pardon means that wrongdoing has been done. Those who would say that Ford let Nixon get away with something need to remember that point.

Ford was a gentle man. In temperament and striving for integrity he reminded me of the men on my father's side of the family. Which is no doubt why I was prepared to like him. And I did like him, even if I didn't agree with everything he did.

The man from my hometown died earlier this month. I didn't find out about it until I was reading the mail this afternoon. It's not a personal loss for me; we were acquaintances but never more than that. It does bring to mind my own mortality and that of everyone else I grew up knowing, and I'm terribly sorry for the loss to his family.

My condolences to all who grieve these losses, or any loss, this night.

Text © copyright 2000-2006 Becky
