Becky Says...

March 2006

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Sprung - March 22

Spring has definitely sprung in Chapel Hill. This has not a thing to do with the weather. It could stay cold till the first of May and spring would still be making itself known.

It's the attitude. The almost-giggle of nearly everyone walking along Franklin Street. The silliness of two students, one of whom decided to rest his weary bones on top of the row of newspaper boxes.

I hated to disturb his rest (not that he didn't have other places to park himself, you understand) but I really wanted a paper that was in the box located below his left arm. Not a problem, since he saw me approaching and rearranged himself accordingly.

He apologized for being in my way. I told him he wasn't at all, and not to worry. What I really wanted to know was just exactly how he got up on top of the boxes, since they're a little too high for most regular methods.

But I let him keep his secret. It is, after all, spring.

Pondering - March 21

As I've been working on projects today, I've also been pondering a reply to a freelance request. The pondering has to do with the amount to charge a potential customer for some repair work. I have, in the past, undervalued my work, and I'm trying not to do that again. At the same time, I don't want to overdo it.

In this case, the largest damaged area of the item (it's a crocheted piece) wasn't shown quite clearly enough in the photograph the potential customer sent, so I've asked for another photograph. That one will make the difference in the amount I suggest. There is already a base price floating around in my brain, determined by the other damaged areas shown in the photographs sent.

Something else getting some thought time is a potential niche market for some of my handwork. It's one a friend suggested, and I'll expand on that bit of vagueness once I've finished the research and made a decision.

Spring - March 20

A thought from 2002 to welcome Spring 2006:

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. All around, flowers are coming into bloom. Trees have budded and their blossoms have appeared. The air is fresher, albeit filled to the brim with pollen.

Nature has a way of cleansing her environment that includes rain and wind, with the sun's heat making such things more pleasant than they would be in the harshness of winter.

Sunlight is washing over the earth at an earlier point each morning, and staying around later into the evening hours, casting aside the shadows and illuminating the souls of those whose winter has been one of too much dark time.

The thought struck me a few weeks ago that spring is nature's way of proclaiming forgiveness. Of reminding us that no matter how bad things have been, better things will come to pass. We will be renewed and refreshed, and, indeed, forgiven.

It is a time of joy.

Text © copyright 2000-2006 Becky