Becky Says...

January 2006

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Enjoyable - January 16

For a combination of reasons I woke up very early this morning. It was entirely too early to need to be up for anything, but I had a very hard time getting back to sleep. I did finally manage to get more sleep, which was good since I needed to be alert later to get some things accomplished.

One of those things to be accomplished was getting some shopping done. I always feel a little guilty if I go shopping on a holiday, because it means someone else is having to work when I don't.

But I know the stores couldn't afford to hire the workers if no one went shopping, so I deal with the cognitive dissonance and try to be as easy a customer as possible.

So today, rather than blustery Saturday, became shopping day for me. And I'm glad it worked out this way. I really enjoyed the shopping trip.

It was delightful to be out in the warm weather. I enjoyed being in the stores at a time when there wasn't a whole lot of traffic in the aisles. I enjoyed making small talk with the cashiers. It was a simple, enjoyable foray.

And I promise I was as easy a customer as I possibly could be.

Text � copyright 2000-2006 Becky