Becky Says...

December 2005

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The Old Year Ends - December 31

One of the Confessions of Sin with which I'm familiar from my Lutheran roots begins, "We have not fulfilled the hope..." in which we were created.

If 2005 were a person instead of a year, it would need to be saying that confession right about now, expressing sincere remorse, and being forgiven.

When 2005 began I had a lot of hope that it would be a good year. It hasn't really worked out that way. There has been too much loss and sadness, for me and mine and for the nation and the world beyond us.

Of course, there has also been joy. There are at least three days this year that I would happily relive, perhaps connecting them and letting that loop play forever. I know there has also been joy for mine, and for the nation and the world beyond us.

It is the last night of the year. It is the year's last time to provide joy or sadness. For all of us, I hope that which is provided is joy.

And may the new year begin with the same. May the hope in which 2006 is created come to fruition, and may its joys be abundant for us all.
