Becky Says...

October 2005

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Grays - October 16

I've spent part of this evening watching the reunion movie of "Walker, Texas Ranger." Those of you who think of me as being a mild, gentle person may wonder why I like that show so much.

Truth is, I love things where the clearly, indisputably bad guy gets the absolute shit kicked out of him. And no, I do not want to discuss violence on television.

The flip side, on that show, is that good behavior is rewarded accordingly.

Of course, that's fiction. In the real world our everyday lives don't deal so much with murders and kidnappings and robberies as with those troublesome questions of how to treat our fellow humans.

It is in working with those questions that we often find there is not an absolute right or wrong. Instead, there are many shades of gray.

We all have to decide what's right or wrong for us, not only in terms of how we act but in terms of acceptable behavior from others. And as new situations arise, sometimes we have to do some heavy-duty rethinking.

Our inner determinations of acceptable may not change, but it's good, if a lot of work, to sort through them from time to time.

Text � copyright 2000-2005 Becky