Becky Says...

April 2005

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Busy Tuesday - April 12

For various reasons, this was an incredibly busy day at the law firm. Lots of work got done, and lots of paper crossed my desk on its way to clients. Much of that paper needed to have customized cover letters sent along, so I kept my computer pretty busy as well.

To add to the mix, there was another water main break. Unlike last month, this time the water utility people decided they'd better bring bottled water to the offices. Apparently the people were not at all sure how long they would need to have the water turned off. Mercifully, it was back on about an hour after I got to work.

At the end of the busy day, when Younger Partner was leaving, he thought he would depart with a joke---he knows I love jokes when I don't see the punch line coming, by the way. Today's offering was based on his getting ready to leave. He announced he was going to get a haircut. Or two or three.

I couldn't resist, mainly because he often leaves me speechless at such moments and today I knew what to say in reply. I pointed and said, "Okay, but that one is short enough, so have the stylist skip it this time."

I went back to the last of my work, with a vision of Younger Partner pointing to his own head and explaining to the stylist, "Well, you can cut these hairs, but Becky said..."

Text © copyright 2000-2005 Becky