Becky Says...

September 2004

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September 28

A while ago I lost an earring. I was pretty sure it was near the dresser in my bedroom, so I wasn't terribly upset when I couldn't find it immediately. I figured the next time I was doing a move-the-furniture vacuuming, I'd find the earring. Well, no, I didn't.

I was still reasonably sure the earring was in the bedroom. As I told a friend at the time, I was disappointed that the cleaning spree didn't make it appear, but I was going to quit looking, except to keep an eye out for anything shiny in or near the carpet.

And I did just that.

It turns out the earring had managed to lodge itself under some television wire, on the television stand which lives near the dresser. I was after something else tonight and happened to move the wire. Imagine my surprise to find the earring.

I can figure out how it got on the television stand, but I'm not quite sure what combination of jiggling got it under the wire. I am just glad it was there.

And yes, I still have the mate. So I have back both halves of a favorite pair of earrings, which, in case you're curious, are small gold hoops.

Something else I have is a resolution to be a lot more careful when I'm taking off my jewelry!

Text © copyright 2000-2004 Becky