Becky Says...

February 2004

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February 20

Some bits about me.

I have personal rules about comments made to me, more in terms of who makes them than the comments themselves. Same sort of rules apply to terms of endearment. Cross one of those lines, and I'm quite likely to let you know it's not appreciated.

I have personal rules about which people are allowed to ask me what personal-ish questions, too. This also applies to asking questions about my friends or family. Cross one of those lines and I'm quite likely to greet your question with dead silence.

I hate being the audience to an argument. But in a bit of watch-the-trainwreck, I tend to follow some online arguments, even though they usually upset me. Yes, I know I shouldn't do that, thanks.

I'm having a case of the Februaries. It's not depression, though not all that far from it. Basically, it's a sense of being discontent. I'm pretty sure the weather has played a large part in bringing this on. It will pass.

Text © copyright 2000-2004 Becky