Becky Says...

November 2003

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November 11

It was from Aunt Rebecca that I got some of my most important gifts in life. She was my mother's fraternal twin, and this would have been their 92nd birthday. And I miss her. Not exactly like I miss Mother, but I miss her.

I'm named for Aunt Rebecca...she in turn was named for a grandmother. In an interesting turn of events, Aunt Rebecca's second husband was my cousin on my father's side. This meant that for the last fifteen or so years of her life, she and I shared both first and last names. We lived in the same small town. You can imagine the confusion.

Her only child was my cousin George, who was born of her first marriage --- thus avoiding the geneaolgocal complexities that would have no doubt arisen had he been my cousin to different degrees on both sides.

Aunt Rebecca introduced me to the pleasures of sewing. She enjoyed making garments, and taught me a lot about doing exactly that. She also enjoyed making household things, including the slipcover that's on a chair in my bedroom as I type.

She had been a teacher, then went to graduate school in library science. She loved reading, and loved helping make books available and accessible to others. Obviously, along with my mother, she fostered my love of reading.

In material gifts, she gave me her piano, and she gave me my first car. The piano was a happy gift---it was given to me when she moved back to North Carolina from some years in Florida. She lived close enough to Mother and me that she could come play piano when she wished. The car was left to me in her Will. There were other gifts, over the years. And of course, the tiny angel written about here.

Aunt Rebecca also helped foster my dislike for anything bigoted, be the subject race or creed or sexual preference. In fact, it was she who provided the brief explanation of homosexuality that still works for me.

As I said, many gifts, most of them still with me today. She was a lovely woman, and I am fortunate to have had her influence and love.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Don't forget I'd like some help celebrating my birthday, please. Details are here.

Text � copyright 2000-2003 Becky