Becky Says...

September 2003

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September 25

I've had a lot on my mind this week, including the niggling little feeling that the next variation on Kaycee is blossoming. More on that if my suspicions get stronger, but for the moment I'll say that I know many people in many states.

Squick alert: I spent some time earlier this week rereading parts of my mother's autopsy report, to refresh my memory about the location of the third stroke. The reread reminded me of how much it meant to my peace of mind to read the report the first time. And it reminded me that my mother was a tough old broad (said with no disrespect and a great deal of awe). She didn't put up with much crap. And the older I get, the more I am like her in that regard.

The tie-in is that I am less and less likely to let someone pull a sympathy-grabbing scam without comment. I sat on my suspicions about Kaycee way too long. I will try very hard not to do that again.

Okay, on a much less-somber note, have I told you that office Golden Retriever Zoe makes editorial comments? Today she once again decided that Wendy, Younger Partner, and I were making too much noise for her napping comfort. So she got up and stalked down the hallway to Senior Partner's office, where she proceeded to sigh as she plopped herself down under his computer desk.

I'll tell you, there is nothing on earth exactly like being scolded by the Golden.

Text � copyright 2000-2003 Becky