Becky Says...

May 2003

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May 21 - Later

Sometimes writing your friendly journal-writing fellow college alum can lead to good things. Remember that; it may serve you well.

The rest of Wednesday got busy in a hurry. I found out before I left home that we were going to lunch to celebrate Associate Two's birthday, so I got my own act together and got there in time to go with the group. It was very pleasant, even if Associate One had to miss the festivities.

After we got back, I realized that if I don't eat lunch at the law firm tomorrow, Zoe is going to think I've abandoned her. She was nice about it today, but I understood the look she shot me when she came in for late afternoon treats. I wouldn't want her to think I was trying to shirk my responsibilities as Handmaiden to the Golden. Of course, since during the afternoon-treat session, she was in need of having her rained-on self dried off, and I did a decent job with that, I think she does understand that she's my favorite girl.


May 21

Tuesday tried very hard to turn itself into a forty-eight-hour day.

It began quite pleasantly, though, with a very-much belated birthday (mine, postponed from November) lunch with Associate Two. It was nice to just sit and chat without any interruptions other than those of someone offering more food.

Meanwhile, back at the office, things were waiting. Suffice it to say that Wendy is not the only one who was there quite late last night. I was beginning to wonder if I needed to plan a sleep-over.

I feel good about the amount and substance of the work that got done. But it did take time. A lot of time.

As I got in my car to leave, I realized that I wasn't happy with the amount of gasoline left in the tank, so I stopped to get more. Since I was then very close to a grocery store, I stopped in to get supper. Came home, answered e-mail, then crashed.

Next thing I knew, it was already Wednesday morning.

Which brings us to this moment, when I need to officially end Tuesday by finishing the things I meant to do instead of going to sleep early.

Text and image � copyright 2000-2003 Becky