Becky Says...

May 2003

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May 2

Apparently the UK division of that software giant in Washington state has plumbed new depths with the iLoo. In case that link goes away, it's to a story about a portable potty that will be computer-equipped so one can surf while taking a potty break.

Yes, I know. I thought of the same jokes, thanks.

* * * * * * * * * * *

You may recall that I was commenting yesterday that my patience was thin. And that prior to that comment I had recommended that people pay attention to what they've read if they intend to respond to it.

So in my e-mail inbox today was a note from someone who read the entry, and either didn't pay attention to what was written, or was testing me to see if I remembered what the entry was about.

The response was quite nice, but had very little if anything to do with what I had written except the date. That was my weirdness for the day. Trust me: it was enough. Oh, and was quite difficult to answer!

But then, weirdness is always hard to answer, unless one is trying to be even weirder. And I was definitely not in the mood for that.

I'm going to try to stay away from weird all weekend. I deserve the break.

Text © copyright 2000-2003 Becky