Becky Says...

June 2002

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June 25

I've received some lovely correspondence today, from people offering congratulations on the anniversary. My thanks to those who have written, and to those of you who come back, entry after entry, to see what it is Becky wants to say. I take your continued reading as an honor.

I mentioned in the entry linked above that I have, in the two years, set up two business websites. Both have strong relationships to this site. The first, Rebeccaworks, is the online home of my main business, and showcases business-related things and handcrafts. One of the first orders for custom crochet came from a journal buddy. And the first three recipients of Anyday Ornaments were people who had major impact on getting the journal started, as well as offering encouragement and support for Rebeccaworks.

The second business site, Counsel Giver, is very dear to my heart. It is intended to offer common-sense based comments and advice to anyone who comes seeking. And it draws a lot from this site. Many of the essays there are edited versions of entries here, with some additional ones having been originally seen in other journals.

In case you've wondered how I select essays for use there, especially in terms of asking reprint permission, there are two absolute rules. One, the subject of the essay has to be something that a lot of people are having to deal with (for instance, school violence). Two, because of the nature of the site, the reprinted ones have to be done under the author's real name. There's a third, more flexible guideline, that the reprints have to pretty much agree with my own take on the subject.

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Doug has asked a thought-provoking question on the forum. Come share your thoughts on this, or on any other subject there. Feel free to ask a question, too.

Text � copyright 2000-2002 Becky