Becky Says...

March 2002

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March 30

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. All around, flowers are coming into bloom. Trees have budded and their blossoms have appeared. The air is fresher, albeit filled to the brim with pollen.

Nature has a way of cleansing her environment that includes rain and wind, with the sun's heat making such things more pleasant than they would be in the harshness of winter.

Sunlight is washing over the earth at an earlier point each morning, and staying around later into the evening hours, casting aside the shadows and illuminating the souls of those whose winter has been one of too much dark time.

The thought struck me a few weeks ago that spring is nature's way of proclaiming forgiveness. Of reminding us that no matter how bad things have been, better things will come to pass. We will be renewed and refreshed, and, indeed, forgiven

It is a time of joy.

Daddy's Azalea

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Last year on Easter Eve, I wrote an entry that is one of my favorites. In it, I tell of a few Easter memories, and suggest that it's fine to go to church on Easter Day even if you don't usually attend services.

Happy Easter!

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Beth started a ring of journallers who updated daily (or gave it their best shots) during Lent. The ring is called "Saving Kymm's Soul," in honor of Kymm's pledge to give up reading journals for Lent. She'll need a handy list of archives to search as she celebrates Easter, and we thought we'd help her out. The list of ring members is here. It has been my pleasure to be associated with this.

Text © copyright 2000-2002 Becky