Becky Says...

June 8, 2001

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Weekend Planning

I started this weekend a little early. I was tired today, so I did a lot of relaxing things and put off anything that resembled work. I could do that since I didn't have anything with a deadline. Tonight, I'm watching television and thinking about what I want to do with the rest of the weekend.

What I really want to do is something out of the ordinary. But I'm not sure what that would be. Of course, the way things have been going around here for the last several weeks, anything that doesn't involve the computer might well be different enough!

I could take a tour of the rest of my apartment. I tend to do most of my work in one spot, and occasionally wander into one of the other rooms for food and such. It might be nice to sit in another chair, or in another room entirely.

Or I might get in the car and head out on a country road. We have some really nice roads around here, and I would sort of like to see how things look in the northern part of the county. While I'm out, I could buy something I need for a crafts project, and could get something to eat.

Hmm. I think I've just talked myself into doing that one.

Hope you have a good weekend!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Wendy has been in touch to let me know the LASIK procedure went well and she's doing fine.

Text © copyright 2000-2001 Becky