Becky Says...

January 14, 2001

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Proof that some people pay not one bit otf attention to anything you say. and assume your life is like theirs when it is not at all:

I wrote an entry back in December on being productive, and how I felt about that term. That entry had come out of an e-mail I sent someone. I took the thought I shared with the e-mail recipient and expanded on it.

Well, you can thank that worker bee for tonight's rant. The day after I sent that December e-mail, I heard back from her, saying that I was indeed right, that no one should feel guilt for relaxing when they were through with a project, and so forth and so on.

But Ms. Productive is back in droning mode. I heard from her this evening, and she was carrying on about how she hadn't been as productive as she would have liked during the day---after listing off enough tasks to keep a squadron busy.

I think she ran out of steam somewhere around item 20 million. By the time I was finished reading through the list, my eyes were drooping, so I lost count.

The kicker was that she wished me a productive week. I wonder what in the hell she wants me to produce?

I felt like telling her that if she wanted me to produce anything that she would hear about, she should hire me and plan to send lots of money, because I don't produce on the cheap.

End of rant. Have a good week, whatever you want it to be.

Text © copyright 2000-2001 Becky