Becky Says...

November 22, 2000

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Eve of Thanksgiving

I don't know where my upstairs neighbor went for Thanksgiving, but I do know he got up and started packing at 3:30 this morning. I was hurling curses at the ceiling within moments---trying not to make enough noise to wake up my next-door neighbor. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Actually, I wasn't asleep while he was slamming drawers and the closet door, etc. But he couldn't have been objecting to any noise I was making---I was reading (not aloud, thank you), and I'm sure I wasn't making much noise turning the pages.

I had decided a while back that I wasn't going to go away for this Thanksgiving. I have some things here that need taking care of, and I really didn't want to make a hurried trip. I will see my family at Christmas.

Don't make the mistake, though, of assuming I'm making some huge work-related sacrifice in staying here. What I want to get accomplished is some personal stuff.

While I'm happy to work during regular work time, I really do try to avoid the stuff when those hours are past---and holidays are not workdays in Beckyland. At least not days when I plan to work for clients. I may do some work on Rebeccaworks.

Bonnie has started a thread in the forum about Thanksgiving. Come add your thoughts, if you'd like.

If you're traveling, please be careful. Enjoy your holiday!

Text � copyright 2000 Becky