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Just about anyone who knows me knows how much I like a good cup of coffee. Okay, a good several cups. I've loved the stuff all my adult life, and liked it before that. I came by the coffee habit from my mother. We had our special mugs (mine had the blue stripes; hers the green), and neither of us wanted it too hot.

And when I say a cup of coffee, I mean just that. I prefer my coffee strong and plain. If I'm served something other than that when offered what I'm expecting to be coffee, I have to resist an urge to give a lecture about truth in advertising---("You call that COFFEE?!? No it's not, it's flavored coffee")! For the record, I like a lot of the flavored coffees, too; but if that's what I'm being served, I want to know before the first sip, please.

Except for wanting it strong and plain, I'm not really particular about coffee; I'm not very picky about brands, and I'm perfectly happy with a good cup of instant. The key word here is "good." Instant coffee poorly made is lousy. But then, that's true of any coffee poorly made.

But a well-made cup of coffee is a thing of much happiness, and good times.

Text � copyright 2000 Becky